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  • Company Profile

    $295 | February 2024
    Company Profile

    El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. – Company Profile

    El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. (El Al) is an international airline carrier. The company operates domestic and international flights between Israel and abroad. The company's major portfolio of services includes commercial flight services, charter flights and cargo. El Al provides direct flights a week to European destinations including Paris, Moscow, Frankfurt, Rome, London, Prague, Budapest, Kiev, Berlin, Amsterdam, Milano, Madrid, Zurich Milan, Munich, and Switzerland. El Al also operates flights to Port Elizabeth, Hong Kong, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Australia...

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  • Sector Analysis

    $395 | March 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Japan Airlines: Market Update

    This report is the result of Canadean’s extensive market research covering the airlines market in Japan. It contains detailed data on market dynamics along with latest industry happenings and industry players in Japan. "Japan Airlines: Market Update" provides a top-level overview and detailed insight into the operating environment of the airlines market in Japan. It is an essential tool for companies active across Japan travel and tourism value chain and for new players considering to enter the market.

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